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Meet Orin Hefetz, Israel Emissary for JNF

Monday, April 26, 2021 14 Iyar 5781

9:30 AM - 10:30 AMZoom - Please register for link

Orin Hefetz, Israel Emissary for Jewish National Fund, will address worldwide Tikkun Olam through Israel's practice of developing, implementing, and sharing  cutting-edge water resource management programs. Israel is the number one country in the world at recycling its water, an astounding 85%! It has developed unique water technologies that Israel then shares with the world - even with countries with whom it does not have diplomatic relations. For example, the Arva International Center for Agricultural Training in Israel trains 1,000 students from all over the world annually.  They then go back to their home countries and make positive contributions to the welfare of their people.

Please register for the Zoom link. Contact Jerry Tatar if you have any questions.


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Mon, May 6 2024 28 Nisan 5784