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Adult Learning: Rabbi Sandra Cohen

Sunday, April 19, 2020 25 Nisan 5780

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Join Rabbi Sandra Cohen for a workshop on "Creating Caring Communities:  First Steps and Beyond." 

When Rabbi Sandra Cohen had a stroke at the age of 34, continuing her work leading a congregation was too much to manage, so she began a new journey to find a way to remain involved in Jewish life. Rabbi Cohen (no relation to Rabbi Paul Cohen) now travels internationally helping congregations become more open and welcoming for people with mental illness. 

This workshop will explore middot/values as well as first (and second and third) steps synagogues and organizations can take to help become more welcoming to people with mental illness and their families.  Middot such as hachnasat orchim/welcoming the stranger and gemilut hasidim/acts of loving kindness -- ideas that we all embrace in theory! -- can be turned into mitzvot/commandments, into concrete actions that we can take that will open our doors (and our hearts) more readily.  Come with ideas and questions!

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Sun, May 5 2024 27 Nisan 5784